
Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Calling: How Cronyism Worsens Income Inequality (and Freed Markets Reduce It) - The Future of Freedom Foundation

The Calling: How Cronyism Worsens Income Inequality (and Freed Markets Reduce It) - The Future of Freedom Foundation

"asking for more state action to combat state-driven inequalities is unlikely to work and very likely to make matters worse."

When God created the Israelite country in the Old Testament He gave the government the power to punish criminals and raise an army. Also, being a theocracy, the tithe not only supported these aspects of the government but the church too.

God did not give the government the ability to force anyone to tithe, though. That was an issue between God and the people. He enforced it. The government had NO power to educate children, provide for retierment, pay for healthcare, bailout businesses, regulate or control in any way like our government.

As a result, Israel became one of the richest countries of the time, (which is why they were such a target for their enemies). And they were the free-est.

Our Founding Fathers were very familiar with their Bibles and well aware of how Israel was ran. They based this country on those priciples of individual freedom, accountability and property ownership rights.

If we want our country back, we must read our Bibles and apply it to our nation again, starting with the voting booth tomorrow.

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