
Friday, January 30, 2015

So Should We Just Round Up the Anti-Vaccine Parents And Ship Them to Guantanamo? |

So Should We Just Round Up the Anti-Vaccine Parents And Ship Them to Guantanamo? |

I usually post my vaccine articles on my health blog, but this one belongs here.

Which ever side of the vaccination issue you are on, you need to read this.

Matt has hit what has been bugging me on this issue right on the head! And he vaccinates his kids.

Everyone in this country should have the right to make the best
decision for their family and your right decision may very well be
different than my right decision. That's ok.

Several countries have been discovered to have included a pregnancy
vaccine in their required vaccinations...without telling the people
receiving the shot that it's there. The fact is we don't really know
what is in those vials and no government is above lying. To force anyone
to inject their child just because Big Brother says so is to give up on
freedom. Just hand out the shackles and chains while you are at it.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Missed Motherhood: A Casualty of the Sexual Revolution | Denny Burk

Missed Motherhood: A Casualty of the Sexual Revolution | Denny Burk

Homosexual Activist Admits True Purpose of Battle is to Destroy Marriage | Illinois Family Institute

Homosexual Activist Admits True Purpose of Battle is to Destroy Marriage | Illinois Family Institute

What I have been saying all along; the gay agenda has nothing to do with love. It has to do with destroying marriage and removing my rights as a Christian to believe the Bible (oddly, gays don't seem to have a problem with Muslim who disapprove of homosexuality as much as Christians do. It's only the True religion they find offensive.)

If the Pill killed your two-year-old...

If the Pill killed your two-year-old... | BaylyBlog


I took the pill for four years after I married. I have been told in sex ed that it only prevented ovulation. We were never told it's other actions.

It was well after we quit using it that I found out the other ways the pill acts.

Really at the heart of the issue though is our hatred of children. If we really loved kids we would want more of them.

Imagine someone saying "I LOVE chocolate. It is so wonderful! Have more? No thank you :-)"

That is exactly how we are about kids though. We SAY we lov kids but do everything in our power, including taking level 4 carcinogens (the pill) to keep from getting more.

Our actions don't match our words.

Please Pass the Salt

The Institute for Creation Research

The oceans are simply not salty enough to be 4 billion years old. They just aren't.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Watch your logic

One of the most common mistakes in logic is the "false dichotomy" or "false dilemma." In America this most commonly takes the form of assuming there are only two choices: the government does it or no one does it.

Let's take education for example. If you are against public school obviously you don't believe in education.

No, not true. You may just know enough history to know that we had a higher literacy level before the government got involved, when parents and charities (mostly churches) paid the bill instead of the government.

If we outlawed government school (radical idea, I know) history tells us every church in the country would open its own private school as would a whole lot of other people. We would have way more choices in education, including free (privately donation funded) charity schools.

The same logic fallacy is being used in nearly every area in our culture.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Institute for Creation Research

The Institute for Creation Research

This was a bad year for old earth. Lots of new evidence for the planet and universe being only a few thousand years was discovered :-)