
Friday, January 30, 2015

So Should We Just Round Up the Anti-Vaccine Parents And Ship Them to Guantanamo? |

So Should We Just Round Up the Anti-Vaccine Parents And Ship Them to Guantanamo? |

I usually post my vaccine articles on my health blog, but this one belongs here.

Which ever side of the vaccination issue you are on, you need to read this.

Matt has hit what has been bugging me on this issue right on the head! And he vaccinates his kids.

Everyone in this country should have the right to make the best
decision for their family and your right decision may very well be
different than my right decision. That's ok.

Several countries have been discovered to have included a pregnancy
vaccine in their required vaccinations...without telling the people
receiving the shot that it's there. The fact is we don't really know
what is in those vials and no government is above lying. To force anyone
to inject their child just because Big Brother says so is to give up on
freedom. Just hand out the shackles and chains while you are at it.

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